Erin Whiffing
Why did you choose to do a graduate scheme with Alliance Medical?
I carried out my student placement at an Alliance Medical static and mobile MRI site so discovered early on in my degree that Alliance Medical offered a graduate MRI training scheme. I really enjoyed my time in the MRI department as the staff were so welcoming and excellent at teaching me which gave me a good insight into what Alliance Medical offered. Before I began my degree, MRI was already an interest of mine so I knew that I would like to specialise in the modality when I graduated.
Usually after you graduate you are required to have two years experience in plain X-Ray before applying to work in MRI in the NHS - so the fact that I could go into MRI training straight after finishing my degree was perfect. I also knew other students who were the year above me at university who were on the graduate scheme with Alliance Medical and were loving it which is always encouraging to hear.
Tell us about your journey with Alliance Medical – where did you start, where are you now?
I began my career with Alliance Medical straight from university in September 2019 with a very limited MRI knowledge. MRI was not covered in great depth during lectures as it is predominantly plain film X-Ray that is focused on. I had worked a couple of bank Clinical Assistant shifts on an Alliance Medical Mobile MRI close to home before I finished university for the experience of the working day and the clinical systems used, so I was more familiar with this aspect. Now, one and a half years later I have completed all of my written and practical assessments set out on the graduate scheme including a lead the day assessment too.
I have also just completed my IV cannulation training too so I can begin to inject contrast for some scans soon which will increase my skill set. I have been taught a good knowledge on MRI physics to enable me to scan to an excellent quality (although it may seem minimal to some considering the sheer vastness of physics that MRI entails!).
I am continually learning every day which is important in this career and I can honestly say that I love my job. The training and experience I have undergone so far has even encouraged me to undertake an MSc in Medical Imaging (MRI) which I am completing part-time alongside my full-time job to help expand my knowledge and understanding even further.
How has Alliance Medical supported you throughout your career so far?
They have provided me with the training required to be able to scan all of the basic body parts we most frequently come across in MRI at the start of the scheme. I am now starting to learn some more difficult scans and also dynamic scans thanks to all of the wonderful and experienced people I work with who teach me on a daily basis. I have had staff members and my manager visit me on site whilst at work to see how I am getting on and now we have video meetings due to the pandemic to keep in touch with how I am and how my training is going. I have a number of people I know that I can contact if I need help with anything. Face to face workshops are normally organised for staff, but again they have been adapted to be video meetings which are set up to provide support and extra teaching on scans that people may want more guidance on and a better understanding of.
Do you have the opportunity to move in different directions within Alliance Medical or gain experience in a range of areas?
Right from the start during my interview I was told that I would have the opportunity to be cross trained in CT imaging too if I would like to which is always good to know I have an opportunity there. I also have a number of opportunities that I know I will be able to undertake in the future within MRI too including the chance to learn cardiac MRI and potentially also breast imaging which both require extra training.
What values do Alliance Medical have that you appreciate?
They have always encouraged me to better myself and to have confidence in my abilities. I know that I can struggle with self-confidence sometimes, but everyone I work with and my managers all have such faith and confidence in me that it helps my self-confidence grow too. The collaboration with my colleagues and staff at our host sites has also enabled me to develop as a radiographer and as a person - resulting in me being able to provide a better service to the patients. I appreciate the learning opportunities Alliance Medical have provided me with because as we progress in our careers, we will be able to teach the new student radiographers as they are starting theirs. The company always encourage openness at work too, sharing experiences between each other to learn from them to become better professionals and to provide an excellent service.