Angela Meadows
Unit Manager
Tell me about your journey with Alliance – where did you start, where are you now?
I started with Alliance 17 years ago, I wanted a change and the opportunity to train in PET CT. In 2004 Alliance Medical was one of only a few Imaging providers performing PET imaging in the UK. After progressing through local training and mentorship with colleagues, we recognised a need to develop a PET training programme and I became Training Manager in PET CT.
I then took a short career break for a year to have my second child and Alliance Medical fully supported me, bringing me back as Senior Radiographer in PET and a year later I became a Unit Manger in PET CT. I have remained a Unit Manager for multiple sites over the years and also work closely with the Education Learning and Training Team an area of my role that’s very close to my heart.
How do Alliance Medical support graduates throughout their career?
There is a structured two year framework for training, but more than that there is a strong commitment to continuing professional development for all employees.
Do graduates have the opportunity to move in different directions within Alliance Medical; or gain experience in a range of areas?
Yes. Students have the opportunity to express an interest in a range of imaging modalities and managers will review opportunities across the business for them accordingly.
How important are graduates to Alliance Medical?
They are essential, they bring fresh ideas and a positive outlook. They bring a new dynamic to established teams often pushing those already grounded in their profession to stretch their knowledge too.
What is at the heart of Alliance Medical?
It has to be the patient experience. We understand that the patient experience is only enhanced by an engaged workforce. An engaged workforce is one that strives for excellence – and that is what we have at Alliance Medical.